


Let's talk body basics. We eat to stay alive. When we eat extra it becomes fat. When we don't eat enough to sustain ourselves, the fat is burned off to use up what we've stored. It's that simple. All mammals have this ability. Fat allows our body to have sugar and nutrients to stay alive and disappears when we don't have enough going in our mouths.

However there are all these little nuances to that simplicity that are used to confuse you and help perpetuate these myths to losing weight.

Take joy in small progress. Acknowledge yourself when you have done little and consistent weight loss progresses. Do not be too harsh on yourself if you cannot shed off pounds that easily. The key here is consistently losing of unwanted body fats. On the other hand, do not be saddened for some weight gains after several exercises; it may be due to the muscles you build. Remember that muscles are heavier than fats, thus, weight gain does not necessary follow that you are getting fatter - it could be that you are getting leaner. Above all, always be honest to yourself if you really have gained some pounds due to fats or due to muscles.
Chew your food well. By chewing your food well, you eat slowly. This is because, once you have take in some food, it takes 20 minutes to signal your brain of the feelings of fullness. Thus, if you eat fast, there is a big tendency that you have taken a lot of food within 20 minutes compared to eating slowly. Aside from that, chewing your food well helps your body easily metabolize what you eat. It also prevents you from constipation and indigestion problems.

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