


A sunny lifestyle, spectacular views of the Mediterranean and the hills, warm, friendly people and a vibrant social scene have made Spain one of the most popular destinations for international tourists, retirees as well as younger permanent residents. With an increasing influx of foreigners seeking sun, fun and warmth, the demand for homes accelerated and a slew of budget townhouses and apartments came up on the Costa Blanca, Costa de Almer��a and Costa del Sol. For the wealthy there are places such as Marbella where there is no dearth of well-designed and beautifully located luxury villas and apartments.

But Spain's beautiful Costas are no longer mut coins attracting snow weary British, Germans and others in the numbers they once did. Residential construction has abated and the landscape is dotted with numerous unsold apartments, many of which are poorly built. Prices have dropped by as much as 50% in this segment and could drop further. Though real estate everywhere in Spain has taken a hit, madden coins the low-end holiday home segment has suffered the most.

With even the Spanish Prime Minister acknowledging that Spain's economic decline isn't over yet, buy madden coins the real estate market is expected to suffer more in the short term. In a recent report, The Bank of Spain (BOS) said that the recovery is unlikely to commence before mid-2011.

Spain's decade-long economic boom was actually fueled by a real estate bubble that was induced by cheap and easy credit and an unprecedented flurry of construction. In 2007, investment in housing stood at 7.5% of GDP, significantly higher than the OECD average. According to the BOS, residential investment is likely to constitute around 4% of GDP in 2011, the lowest for years.


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